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Welcome back to Aberystywth Marina from 6th July

First phase of opening of marina – Staying Local – during Covid-19 We are pleased to now be able to start welcoming boat owners back to Aberystwyth Marina. Please be patient with staff and other berth-holders as we all adapt to this new situation. Following guidance from Ceredigion County Council from 6th July you are now able to get

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Aberystwyth News & Events

New trolleys for Cardiff Marina

We have taken delivery of a number of new trolleys for berth holders to use at Cardiff Marina. A new trolley point has also been created on the pontoons. To ensure the security of the trolleys they require a £1 coin to release them. Please ensure you return the trolleys to the trolley point immediately after

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Cardiff News & Events

Berth-holder update

During the lockdown period, our team have been very busy working on a number of projects across our sites to further develop the services we have to offer our berth-holders. Thank you! Firstly, we’d like to say a huge thank you to our berth holders for your support and understanding during this difficult time. We appreciate

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News & Events

Welcome back to Burry Port Marina!

First phase of opening of marina – Staying Local – during Covid-19 We are pleased to now be able to start welcoming local boat owners back to Burry Port Marina. Please be patient with staff and other berth-holders as we all adapt to this new situation. Following guidance from the Welsh Government and Carmarthenshire County Council you are

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Burry Port News & Events

Second phase of lifting of Navigation Restrictions -Cardiff Bay Barrage Locks – LIMITED LOCKING OPERATIONS 

FROM MONDAY 8th JUNE Second phase of lifting of Navigation Restrictions -Cardiff Bay Barrage Locks – LIMITED LOCKING OPERATIONS  – Staying Local – during Covid-19 Cardiff Harbour Authority have released a Notice to Mariners advising of Limited Locking Operations from Monday 8th June. Please ensure you keep up to date with the latest Welsh Government

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Cardiff News & Events

Burry Port Marina berth-holders update

PLANNING APPLICATION FOR LANDSIDE FACILITIES Following feedback from the planning department we will shortly be submitting the planning application for the former RNLI building at Burry Port Marina.  The design has evolved to ensure the preservation of the original historical building, while creating an iconic waterside destination. Focus has been given on the external materials

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Burry Port News & Events

Removal of all hose pipes from marina pontoons and boatyards

Following a study by the Industry Specialist Consulting Group (ISCG), the “Industry Best Practice (IBP) Guidance Document For The Marine Industry On The Safe Operation Of Water Facilities In Marinas,  Boatyards, Sailing Centres, Canals And Other Inland Waterways” has been published. The recommendations from this IBP will be adopted by The Marine Group across all

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News & Events

Welcome back to Cardiff Marina from 1st June

FROM MONDAY 1st JUNE WELCOME BACK TO CARDIFF MARINA First phase of lifting of Navigation Restrictions – Cardiff Inland Bay only – Staying Local – during Covid-19 We are pleased to now be able to start welcoming you back to Cardiff Marina from Monday 1st June 2020. Please be patient with staff and other berth-holders

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Cardiff News & Events